Flames Of War Campaign 1943

Sheffield and Rotherham wargamers Flames of War campaign website

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Final result

The first phase of the Flames of War Campaign is now over - with an overwhelming victory to the axis in the Med, and stalemate in the east. It is now August 1943 and the aborted landings in Sicily and the loss of Malta have stabilised that front for the Axis. It will now be a fair while before either side can launch an assault on the other over the sea.

Meanwhile the front has barely moved in Russia. Kursk is still threatened and losses on both sides are high. Russian games will still be included in the campaign until the decisive Battle For Kursk , a multiplayer event I'm hoping to organise soon....

If there is interest I will happily run a new front in the west with another allied invasion sometime soon. Possibly with an early Normandy or another Med invasion - depending on the outcome of the Russian front.

And the overall "winner" of the Flames Of War campaign is the unbeaten JP rather unsurprisingly...

- Duncan


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